Saturday, January 12, 2008

How to Be a Good Friend (for Girls)

How to be a Good Friend
(for girls)
Remember; put yourself in your friend’s shoes. Think about the things you do!
Always be aware of your friend's feelings and ask what's going on everyday.

Don't overdo it because you will seem weird
Do things with her if it seems like she doesn't have anything to do.
Invite her to social gatherings so she can meet new people.
Pray for your friend
Have fun! You don't always have to be so serious! Friends like fun.
Be yourself.
Compliment her generously!
That makes her feel good about herself, not to mention happy with you.
Always acknowledge compliments given to you.
If you just say "yes I know" then your friend might get hurt or angry with you.

Always listen to your friends
Try new things
Be cool
Always be Honest
Try to tell as many secrets to her as you can so she knows you trust her, that way she'll learn to trust you. Don't overdo it with secrets though.
On her birthday throw a party during lunchtime at school
Let her hang out with other people, try new things, if you don't she will be very upset with you.
Don't talk about her behind her back. If she hears about it she will feel like you stabbed her in the back.